Klower Pot

JJK-ING d.o.o. Prebold

Klower Pot - Kouadra is a modular plant container, made of plasticized sheet metal, which allows multipurpose use as a flower trough or a raised bed. The carefully developed design allows for compact packing, sales, and shipping, while also being easy to assemble without special tools. The container is a sustainable and ecological solution for replacing plastic, resistant to UV sunlight and wear, and safe for children. The modularity of the container allows stacking in levels, exceptionally up to three in height. The sides are interchangeable, so containers of different dimensions can be assembled. With added insulation, the container protects the root system from overheating and freezing. Variations of the product are possible in different colors and scaled sizes, from a table pot to a raised bed.

Jakob Jošt Kočevar CEO
Involvement in the Programme
Register of Innovative Start-ups
Market type
Revenue in the year 2022
76 - 300k
Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.