PODIM Conference

We are aware of the importance of partnerships and know that their foundation is excellent networking.


PODIM Conference, the central two-day meetup of the regional startup community, represents the best form of networking, forming new business relationships and collaborating. Nearly 1.000 business 1:1 meetings in just two days is the best reference for what PODIM is.


PODIM is the most influential startup & technology event in the Alpe-Adria and Western Balkans regions, organized in Slovenia. It is the gateway from/to the region for efficient networking, making deals and sharing experience.


It is also a melting pot in which startups & scaleups, investors and corporate representatives contribute ingredients for the development of innovative business ideas, which then proceed in the best possible way from the conference to the business environment.


Each year, we connect 1.000+ startups, investors, corporate representatives and other stakeholders of the regional startup ecosystem with global leaders and thinkers, as well as provide an effective platform for investment in the most promising startups in the region and beyond. By connecting the global and regional start-up ecosystem, we contribute to the development of the Alpe Adria region and the Western Balkans.



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Get to know the PODIM Conference!


Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.