The DATAINFO.PRO Personal Data Protection Toolkit is a comprehensive on-line back office solution for data protection authorities (DPOs) and businesses. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) demands unification of personal data protection across the EU and also applies to companies outside the EU. GDPR introduces an obligation to appoint over 50.000 authorized persons (Data Protection Officers – DPOs) in the EU, along with record keeping, subcontracting, compulsory training, astronomical penalties, etc. It brings a lasting obligation to enterprises (which is a new market).
The planned EU E-Privacy regulation comes with additional requirements. There is no comprehensive SaaS solution on the market to cover everything needed or they are extremely expensive (60k EUR a year). Therefore, Datainfo is targeting companies that need to have a DPO (to reduce their costs), serial DPOs (for multi-client processing, higher efficiency) or SME companies without a DPO (to set up protection of private data and train employees).
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2000 Maribor