
Ponika d.o.o. Maribor

The Ponnod team has developed a solution to manage and optimize aquaponic food production systems. In 2015, a 400-square-metre aquaponic system was installed in Prekmurje. The unique feature of the aquaponic system is that it does not need soil, so it can be placed anywhere, even on built-up and destroyed land. It does not require fertilizers, as the plants get all the nutrients they need for healthy growth through fish and with just a few essential additives. The system not only monitors and controls your water quality based on rules tailored to your needs but also offers alerts and open configurations for monitoring and control. With the right choice of nutrients and the right amount, a wide variety of vegetables will also thrive in your aquaponic garden.

Involvement in the Programme
SK200 2015 SEF SK200 SEF P2 2013 SEF
Market type
Revenue in the year 2022
0 - 75k
Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.