Lotus Safe

Luka Verdnik s.p. Polzela

The team Lotus Safe develops products for protection against electromagnetic (EMF) frequency (RF) radiation from devices (telephone, tablet, computer, base station, router, induction hob...).


Lotus Safe protective cushion, protective base, protective box, protective paint and other products effectively protect the user from EMF RF radiation, which penetrates into the body of individuals and has been proven to cause certain types of cancer and many diseases.


In the second half of 2019, the team produced a test series of the first MVP of the product - Lotus Safe Pillow protective cushions with a built-in 2-layer material of nickel and copper filaments, which reduces the measured radiation by more than 90%. To date, more than 350 pillows have been sold, user reactions and opinions are excellent, more than 30% of the first customers have ordered one to four additional products. In contrast to competitors, they always offer users an affordable, trendy and above all evidence-based, comprehensible solution.

Luka Verdnik Founder & CEO
Involvement in the Programme
P2 2020 SEF StartupPlus+
Market type
Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.