The Alpine Nation brand is based on the development and sale of its own sportswear for women. Their products are tailored to the female body while following all the requirements of high-end outdoor gear. In doing so, they are creating a strong community - their brand has become popular among female outdoor enthusiasts.
They are well-known for their range of sports leggings designed for outdoor activities. The winter ones are lined, water-repellent and wind-resistant, while the summer outdoor leggings are lightweight, quick-drying, breathable and made from compression fabric. They also offer other sportswear like hoodies and fleeces, tops, sports bras, shorts, headbands and more. All products are the result of in-house development and design.
Alpine Nation
Alpine Nation d.o.o.

Involvement in the Programme
SK75 2021 SEF
Register of Innovative Start-ups
Revenue in the year 2022
301k - 1 M