Mateja Lavrič

Mentoring, Partnership, Investing
The Director of Kolektor Ventures, and a member of the Kolektor Digital team.

After completing her studies at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana, Lavrič started her career at Kolektor, which she joined in 2005 (Kolektor Sikom at that time) and was in charge of sales and purchasing logistics activities within the company. She continued her journey at Kolektor Liv, and later at Kolektor ATP. Currently, she is directing one of the most active Slovenian corporate venture capital funds Kolektor ventures.


In her constant search for new projects that are complementary to the vision of Kolektor, Lavrič participates in startup events around Slovenia and mentors startup companies such as Airnamics, Ektimo, Qlector, Smart Optometry and Sileo with her knowledge of product design, business investments and strategy.

Key competencies
Investing / M&A Product Designer Business / Strategy
Key Industry
IT equipment & infrastructure Logistics services Production processes Generation Sensing & automation
Knowledge of Technologies
Autonomous systems Industrial robotics Predictive Analytics Machine vision/sensing Al
Mentor in Programmes
P2 2013 SEF RazvojniPlus SK75 2022 SEF
Market type experience
Foreign market experience
Experience with companies in development stages
Seed Stage
Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.