WEBSI – the competition or evaluation of the best websites, stores, media, apps and other digital products, is introducing a new competitive category STARTUP, which is challenging young startup companies to highlight or present their digital innovation.
By registering, you guarantee exposure of your digital project, an individual evaluation report from a numerous professional and business jury, and many other benefits. Startups can join any category of the WEBSI competition, including business websites, public and non-governmental organizations, media, tourism, mobile apps, special digital projects, social networks, socially responsible projects, innovative digital projects, WEBSI startup. The application deadline is Wednesday, 1 June, through the email startup@websi.si.
The whole article is published in Slovenian at: http://startup.si/sl-si/novica/220/websi-2016-iscemo-digitalne-start-up-prvake-. If you want additional information about this event, please write to us at info@startup.si.