The Autumn Deadline for the SK75 Tender Is Out!

Day 30. August 2021

Innovative young companies that want to accelerate their sales and expand into new markets, this tender is for you. You can receive 75,000 euros in the form of a convertible loan provided by the Slovene Enterprise Fund, as well as invaluable mentoring support, participation in many programs (internationalization, KorpoStart, SK Growth Camp, HardwareSTART,…).


The conditions of the tender are not much different from its previous versions. However, let's take a look at which companies can apply for it:

  • a company with an innovative business idea, aiming at the global market,
  • is a d.o.o.,
  • has at least one full-time employee,
  • is based in Slovenia,
  • is older than 6 months and younger than 5 years on the day of the application,
  • already generating revenue.




Entrepreneurs will receive the funds obtained in the tender to their business account in three tranches, the last of which no later than seven months after signing the contract with the Slovene Enterprise Fund. The maturity of the loan is 5 years, with the possibility of extension for a maximum of 2 years. The moratorium on principal repayment is 3 years. The interest rate is fixed - 4%.


Sredstva, pridobljena na razpisu, boste podjetniki prejeli na svoj poslovni račun v treh tranšah, zadnja bo pri vas najkasneje v sedmih mesecih po podpisu pogodbe s Slovenskim podjetniškim skladom. Ročnost posojila je 5 let, z možnostjo podaljšanja za največ 2 leti. Moratorij na odplačilo glavnice znaša 3 leta. Obrestna mera je fiksna – 4 %. 



Apply for the pre-selection and get 40 out of 100 possible points in the competition

You have until 12:59 on September 10 to apply for the pre-selection procedure for the SK75 tender, which will include two presentations of entrepreneurs, as well as a special preparation day, where we will help you prepare for the presentation and application for the tender.


You can find out more about the pre-selection process, key dates and evaluation criteria on the link below.




All about the tender and pre-selection live in Maribor and Ljubljana

We will organize two events, where we will present all the details of the tender and the pre-selection process, as well as the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make and have cost them success in the tender.


Not sure if you should apply? Come to an event that is close to you and resolve your dilemma.



Maribor, September 3, 2021 at 13:00 


Ljubljana, September 6, 2021 at 13:00 


Can't make it? Book a 15-minute appointment with a counselor

Is your schedule full for the mentioned dates? Then, for all questions related to the SK75 tender, contact the head of the pre-selection within Start: up Slovenia, Urban Lapajne.



Urban's Calendly


The deadline for the tender is  October 1, 2021.


Double the private investment with the SI-SK tender

Has your company already acquired a private investor or is it in the negotiation phase? The Slovene Enterprise Fund can give you the same amount as a private investor under the same conditions. Amount of financing:
from € 100,000 to € 600,000 if SEF co-invests with business angels or private / venture capital funds or
from € 200,000 to € 600,000 if SEF co-invests with the corporation.







The program is co-financed from the Slovene Enterprise Fund and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. This is implemented on the basis of the Content Support for Funds Recipients (SMEs) Programme in the 2018-2023 period, under the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy 2014-2020.


Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.