Slovenian Start:up of the Yea 2022 Launched a New Product

Day 1. December 2022 posted Anemari Pediček

Slovenian Start:up of the Year 2022 Inno Lab has just launched a new product. The new Innobox, Razkrinkaj storilca, introduces children between the ages of 8 and 12 to the world of forensics and detectives. The children work together to unmask a criminal by carrying out four forensic experiments while having fun and learning new things. 


This is the first themed Innobox that takes children into a world of imagination and science. Children can interact with the video and carry out experiments, both in the learning centre and physically, right in their living room. They will carry out 4 fun but educational experiments that will eventually lead them to the culprit. For their efforts and newly acquired knowledge, the child receives a diploma and becomes a forensic assistant. 



meet innobox 


A successful year for the company 

It's been a very successful year for Inno Lab, the company we saw on the popular Slovenian TV show Štartaj, Slovenia in 2021. They can boast the title of Slovenian Start:Up of the Year 2022 and the winner of the Naj SK preSKok award. 


The company has also received P2 grants and an SK75 convertible loan from the Slovene Enterprise Fund for its Innobox product in the past.


more about P2


mOre about SK75






Content support for recipients of P2, SK75 or SI-SK financial products under the "de minimis" scheme is co-financed from the Slovene Enterprise Fund and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. This is implemented on the basis of the Content Support for Funds Recipients (SMEs) Programme in the 2018-2023 period, under the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy 2014-2020.

Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.