Get up To 2.5 Million Euros For R&D With SME Instrument


The mission of the SME Instrument within the Horizon 2020 programme, the EU's largest research and innovation programme, is clear: to transform disruptive ideas into concrete innovative solutions with a European and global imprint. Therefore, the SME Instrument offers grants for R&D projects of as much as 70 percent, or up to 2.5 million euros and is intended for small and medium-sized enterprises with business models that could stimulate economic growth.



Basic features of the SME Instrument:

  • Grants for research and development projects.
  • Amount of the subsidy is as high as 70% or up 2.5 million euros in grants.
  • Call is intended for small and medium-sized enterprises.

SME Instrument consists of 3 phases:

  • Phase 1- 50.000 euros intended for the feasibility study.
  • Phase 2- 500.000 to 2.500.000 euros intended for technical development.
  • Phase 3- support phase providing non-financial support for activities related to market launch.


Important facts about the SME Instrument:

  • Instrument is aimed at companies, including young companies and start-ups from any sector.
  • Company must be established in an EU Member State or an associate member of the Horizon 2020.
  • There are no determined topics, although a bottom-up approach is important.
  • Negative impacts on the climate and the environment must be avoided.
  • Each SME may be involved in only one application or project within the SME Instrument.
  • If you completed the SME Instrument Phase 1 project and intend to submit a Phase 2 project proposal, you must attach the final Phase 1 project report.
  • Applicant and/or consortium must have sufficient operational capacity to carry out the project.
  • If your proposal reaches at least 13 points during the evaluation process of Phase 2 of the SME Instrument, you will be invited to a jury interview. There, you will have a 10-minute presentation before a five-member committee (businessmen, investors, industry experts) and answer their questions about the proposed solution.
  • Only employees of the project applicant company or consortium partner can participate in the personal presentation of the project idea.
  • Timeframe from the submission deadline to the results is very short.


Get Attention Of Auditors

When applying, keep in mind that the fundraising auditors are literally overwhelmed with proposals for exceptional innovation, and only a fraction of them can get funding. Therefore, to get their attention, you should also focus on the format and design of the application, as an extremely sophisticated application often means the difference between success and failure.


Remember that you need to be realistic and credible when presenting your product or service and the business model that you are introducing. Your proposal should represent innovations, which create new markets and which will improve productivity and international competitiveness as well as create jobs and improve the quality of life.

More info about the SME Instrument can be found here.

Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.