Get SK75 to validate your idea in the market and grow
SK75 is aimed at innovative startups with global growth potential that want to get their ideas out in the market as quickly as possible and to accelerate their sales growth.
- It enables you to acquire 75.000 euros of new capital in the form of a convertible loan provided by the Slovene Enterprise Fund under the SK75 tender.
- Intensive educational (i.e., acceleration) programme in which you acquire all the necessary knowledge for entrepreneurial success.
- Startup mentors who personally help you on the path to success and realization of your business vision. The network of startup mentors includes established Slovenian and foreign entrepreneurs and investors. You can find them in the startup map.
- A personal advisor to assist you with the preparation of reports and administration for the needs of the SK75 Tender.
- International involvement and visibility through the SK75 programme will help you gain media visibility and promotion, while helping to reach your potential business partners and clients with our network of domestic and international partners.
- Rich content support within the #StartupPlusProgramme.
Amount of Financing
- 75.000 euros of the convertible loan per business.
- Micro and small businesses (organized as a d.o.o. limited liability company).
- Older than 12 months and younger than 5 years (from date of registration to submission of application).
Drawing the funding
- In three tranches.
Financing Period
- Maturity of the convertible loan, including the moratorium on the repayment of the loan, is 5 years with the possibility of extending the maturity by up to 2 years.
Moratorium period
- Moratorium period on the repayment of the principal of the convertible loan is 3 years.
Interest rate
- Contractual interest rate is fixed at 4.0% p.a.
Method of repayment
- Convertible loan is repaid in equal successive monthly instalments after the moratorium expires.
Programme Before And After Investment
The SK75 product programme is divided into two phases. The first phase, pre-selection, is intended for presentation before the committee at DEMO Day, connecting with potential investors and application to the SK75 tender.
The second phase, which begins when recipients of the funds sign a convertible loan agreement, is intended for a 100% focus on the development of business and company growth.
The SK75 product programme is updated and supplemented annually. Details of the SK75 programme in 2019 can be found here.
How to participate? Application open from 10th March 2020!
You can find a detailed description of the application procedure for the SK75 2020 tender and the Start: up Slovenia pre-selection below.