Slovenian Startups Are Going to ViennaUP 2025
ViennaUP is a festival of entrepreneurship and innovation, created by the startup community, for the whole wor...
A website without visitors is like a store without customers. No matter how beautiful and high quality, there will be no effect.
So what can you do to make a website get a lot of traffic? One way is SEO - search engine optimization.
On their website, Dewesoft had traffic of about 5,000 in October 2019 after 20 years of their existence. With a few key changes, they increased it to 40,000 visitors per month after just one year. How to do that? With certain changes and properly structured content.
Primož and Peter will tell you exactly how in the workshop "How to be the first in Google - SEO optimization".
In the workshop you will learn:
So after the workshop, you will know what to fix on your website to increase your traffic.