Slovenian Startup Forum 2025: Key Event for the Future ...
From Vision to Practice: Achieving Ambitious Goals of the Startup Strategy 2030
Primorski tehnološki park, Mednarodni prehod 6, Vrtojba, 5290 Šempeter pri Gorici
Are you an innovative small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) running a 'deep tech' project, a researcher, scientist, academic, individual with value-added knowledge, recipient of the Fund's SK, SI-SK and P2 financial incentives classified as 'deep tech', consultant, corporation, investor or someone with an interest in 'deep tech'? Then this Primorska Technology Park event is for you!
When? 18. 6. 2023, 18.00-20.00
Where? Primorski tehnološki park, Mednarodni prehod 6, Vrtojba, 5290 Šempeter pri Gorici
Interview with Tomaž Bizjak, co-founder of ReCatalyst and Slovenian Start:up of the Year 2023