STARTUP INVESTOR: Don't compromise on red cars and beige trousers - Nina Dremelj

Day 24. November 2021 posted Karmen Trs

You probably know Nina as the owner and CEO of private investment firm Alita Capital, an investor in Little Heroes, an experienced business strategy expert and a woman whose greatest passion is helping entrepreneurs turn their ideas into successful businesses. 



What you may not know is that Nina was class president several times in primary school. Even then, she was always ready to help and always quick to offer help (she admits that sometimes too quickly).
She always looked after the younger and weaker ones. The teachers liked her because she liked to keep an eye on others, which gave them time for coffee, while Nina could be the one in charge for a little bit. 
Her hobby is taking pictures - from dresses to modern handbags. These days, she relaxes by painting her house, saying that her walls are "constantly stressed that Nina will try to think of doing something new again."


And what angers her the most?

Not many things, because you just have to decide what you want in life - to live, to create and to follow your goals. But what makes her angry are people who always blame others for their problems and those who do harm to others.
Nina does not compromise on red cars and beige trousers, and she does not tolerate hypocrisy and deceitfulness at all - she sees it quickly, doesn't show it, remembers it and later uses it to her advantage.


The best gift she ever received?

She is a person to whom it means more to be remembered than to receive something. Warmth is created by moments, by actions, not by material things.
A thank you from the lady she helped a few years ago by selling her one-of-a-kind items, means so much more. It was a pleasure to help her and it helped her get through the most difficult moments. 

Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.